This Privacy Policy describes how CRINI AND SOPHIA treats customer personal information on the website.
According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), processing must be based on a legitimate basis, a real reason for collecting, storing, using, and disclosing your personal information.


The data controller of your data is the company under the name “CRINI AND SOPHIA SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE COMPANY”.
We collect personal data of the users of our website, only when they provide it voluntarily, while using our online services.


We collect information from and about you concerning:
· Contact information such as your name and mailing address if you register with us. We also collect email addresses and phone numbers. If you register, we will also have you create a password.
· Payment information, such as your debit or credit card number. If you use a different payment method, we will collect the necessary information to manage the transaction as well.
· Information you submit online. This includes information you post when you interact with us on social media platforms.
· Information about your product preferences.
· Information about your device and location. We collect the type of device you use to access our Platform. We also collect information about the type of browser you are using and the site you came from or what site you go to when you leave us.


We collect information directly from you when you create an account our purchase product. We also collect information if you contact customer service or sign up for our newsletter.
We collect information via tracking tools like browser cookies and web beacons. We use these tools on our websites and in emails we send to you.
Your personal data are collected so that we can provide you with our services, in an effort to enhance your experience as a customer. Without this data, we may not be able to continue, establish or maintain the facilities and services provided.
Data is also collected during the normal course of work, so that our relationship with our customers can be continued.
We do not disclose or publish your personal data and the confidential information you have given us without your explicit consent.
The data stored for customers will be kept confidential, but we may provide this data to the following parties under the confidentiality duty for the purposes set out in the previous paragraph:
· to any representative, contractor or service provider to third parties who provides administrative, telecommunication, computing or other record keeping services to CRINI AND SOPHIA in connection with the operation of the business and on the condition that they comply with the relevant legislation
· to any other person under the obligation of confidentiality to CRINI AND SOPHIA who has undertaken to maintain the confidentiality of this data
· to any person to whom CRINI AND SOPHIA is under an obligation to disclose information in accordance with the requirements of any legislation or court order that binds CRINI AND SOPHIA is under an obligation to disclose information in accordance with the requirements of any legislation or court order that binds CRINI AND SOPHIA or any of its online or physical stores.


We process your information on the basis of:
· Fulfilling a contract that we may have with you (regarding the supply of products or services)
· Compliance of our company with a legal or regulatory duty etc.
· Your consent, such as when you choose to receive emails or newsletters from us
· Satisfying legitimate business interests of the company such as direct marketing, fraud prevention, network security and information technology systems, etc.
This policy also applies to information collected in our store. Your use of this website indicates you agree to our collection, use and disclosure of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.


We will process your data for the period of time that you remain a registered user (i.e. until you decide to unsubscribe).
We will process your data for the period required to manage the purchase of the products or services you have including any returns, complaints or claims relating to the purchase of that product or service particular service.
We will process your data for as long as necessary to fulfil your request or application.
We will process your data until you unsubscribe or cancel your subscription to the newsletter.
Similarly, we will show you personalized ads until you change your device settings, your browser settings and/or cookies, so that permission for us to do so is revoked.
If you participate in promotions, we will retain data for a period of 6 months from the end of the promotion.
We will process your data occasionally during an action or a specific quality survey or until we anonymise your browsing data.
Regardless of how we process your data during the period that it is necessary to achieve the respective purpose, we will then keep it duly stored and protected for the period during which liability may arise from their processing, in accordance with the applicable legislation. Once the limitation period for any claim has expired, we will proceed to delete the personal data.


It is necessary to give access to your personal data to third parties who provide support for the services we offer you, in particular:
▪ Financial Organisations,
▪ Financial Institutions,
▪ Providers of technology and analytical services.
▪ Providers of technology and analytical services,
▪ Providers and partners of services related to logistics support, transportation,
▪ Providers and partners of services related to technology support, transportation, financial services, and other services. and delivery and/or facilities of their partners,
▪ Service providers related to customer service,
▪ Service providers and partners related to marketing and advertising, such as social networking sites, advertising agencies or advertising partners.


We are committed to respecting the confidentiality of your personal data and ensuring that you can exercise your rights. You can exercise your rights at no cost to you, by writing an email to us at the email address by simply telling us the reason for your request and the right you wish to exercise.
In the event that we deem it necessary to confirm the identity your identity, we may request a copy of a document proving your identity.
Regardless of the purpose or legal basis on which we process your data, you have the following rights:
· Right of access: You have the right to receive information from us regarding the processing of your personal data.
· Right to rectification: You have the right to request that we rectify any of your personal data that is incorre Right to erasure: You have the right, if the requirements specified in Article 17 GDPR have been met, to request the erasure of your data. Accordingly, you may request the erasure of your data, for instance, if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Furthermore, you can also request erasure if we process your data on the basis of your consent and you withdraw this consent.
· Right to restriction of processing: You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data if the requirements specified under Article 18 GDPR have been met. This is the case, for example, if you dispute the accuracy of your data. You may then request that processing is restricted for as long as it takes to examine the accuracy of your data.

· Right to object: If processing is based on an overriding legitimate interest you have the right to object to the processing of your data. An objection is permissible if processing is either in the public interest or on account of a justified interest of CRINI AND SOPHIA or a third party. In the event of objection, you are kindly requested to notify us of your reasons for objecting to data processing. Besides this, you also have the right to object to data processing for the purpose of direct marketing. The same applies to profiling, if this is related to direct marketing.
· Right to data portability: Provided that the data processing is based on consent or on the fulfilment of a contract and that it is also carried out using automated processing, you have the right to receive your data in a structured, common and machine-readable format and to forward it to another data processor.
· Right of withdrawal: Insofar as the data processing is undertaken based upon consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent, with future effect at any time, free of charge.
· Right to lodge a complaint: You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority regarding our processing of your data.
If you don’t want us to send information to third parties to show you ads, you can do so by various means such as changing the preferences on your device, browser settings and/or cookies, by checking the privacy policies and settings of the social media sites on which you are using you have a profile, or by sending us an email to the above email address informing us of your request.
Where we are permitted to process your data on the basis of your consent or to carry out a contract you will also have the right to request the portability of your data. your personal data. This means that you will have the right to receive the personal data that you have given us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format in order to transmit it directly to another legal entity without any hindrance from us.
Where the processing of your data is based on our legitimate interest, you will also have right to object to the processing of your data.
Finally, we inform you of your right to lodge a complaint with the competent regulatory authority, before:
· the Hellenic Data Protection Authority:


We may modify the information contained in this Privacy Policy when we deem it appropriate.
If we do so, we will notify you in various ways (for example, through a banner, or a pop-up) or we may even send a notification to your email address when such change is important to your privacy, so that you can review the changes, evaluate them, and, if applicable, even if the change is important to your privacy.
If applicable, object to or unsubscribe from a service or feature. In any case, we recommend that you check this Privacy Policy from time to time to see if we have made any changes to this Privacy Policy changes or if we have introduced any interactive improvements, as you will always be able to find it as a permanent information point on our Website and Application.

Responsible for Personal Data Management for CRINI AND SOPHIA is: Mrs/Ms Lito Parissi+30 6946110548 (tel),